1 SCC School Board Policy states that a student must take at least 6 classes per day each semester plus Physical Education with a maximum of 9 study halls per week.
2 Courses are scheduled according to the number of student(s) pre-registered for them.
3 The total number of students pre-registered for any one (1) course determines how many sections of that course will be offered during a given semester or year.
4 If your son/daughter wishes to take an on-line or Earlybird college credit class, they must understand the responsibilities and requirements necessary to succeed at this type of course before registering for it.
5 All students technically have until school-wide registration days in August and also three (3) drop/add days at the beginning of each semester to add or delete courses from their schedule.
6 The high school administration and counselor reserve the right to reduce the size of a class list through arbitrary reduction. Simply, if an older student needs a class and it is full, the younger student will be asked to postpone taking the class until a later semester.
NOTE REGARDING COLLEGE CREDIT COURSES: High school students taking college coursework under a concurrent enrollment agreement will be required to meet two criteria to stay in good academic standing with the college(s). 1) Must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and 2) must satisfactorily complete 67% of credits attempted. Failure to meet either of these two criteria may impact student enrollment and/or financial aid status when enrolling at a college after high school.
1) Click the Course Description Booklet link below to get a complete description of all course offerings for 2021*2022 Each student must select ONE course from each of the REQUIRED AREAS. They still need to complete and a minimum of ELECTIVE COURSES that are one semester or one year in length that give them a FULL SCHEDULE. Courses with an * behind them are ONE SEMESTER in length.
2) Mark the selected courses on your Data Entry Sheet.
3) Log into JMC with your student ID number for 2021*2022 @ http://www.southern-cal.k12.ia.us (Link will be located under the JMC button) and select your courses.
Updated 1.25.2021