District Enrollment Trends– since enrollment is the driver of all school budgets, this is looked at overtime as a means to review trends and to try to get ahead of any lost revenue before it becomes too late. Below is a graph demonstrating a 10-year look at overall enrollment at SCC.
General Fund Trends (sharing dollars)- this fund is the lifeblood of the district and pays all employee salaries, curriculum, classroom materials and just about anything else needed to operate the school. Without a healthy balance in this fund, the school could not operate appropriately. Because of our ability to capitalize on state sharing incentive dollars and maintaining a healthy unspent balance our District has positioned itself much better for long-term sustainability into the future. Below is a 10-year history of our general fund.
PPEL and SAVE (SILO) Accounts- both of these accounts are funded from local taxes and state taxes respectively. These funds have an extremely narrow scope of use and can only be used for transportation, technology and facilities and maintenance services and equipment. Below is our 5 year trend average for both Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) and the Statewide Penny (SILO)
Nutrition (Self sustaining, enterprise fund) Trends- this fund is a separate accounting and financial reporting mechanism for which revenues and expenditures are segregated into a fund with financial statements separate from all other governmental activities. This is a self revenue generating, self maintenance fund. Below are the trends of district nutrition fund over a 5 year span of time.